Sold | The new girl in town is on FIRE. If someone was to paint the perfect Modern horse, she would be it!
- Catty
- Brave
- Fast
- Refined
- With tons of blood and adjustability
- Careful as can be
For someone looking for a real horse to turn into a Markel GP horse, this 7 year old is the one. She has proven to have tons of scope leaving feet of air between her and the fence, has all the ability to turn and burn, yes has the best snaffle mouth one would want. 16’2, Spectacular bloodlines (Cabachon and Balou du Rouet) she is a machine in the making! successfully did the 6 years old in Europe prior to being imported, ready to get going in the competitive 1m30s. Priced at $150k. Located in Temecula